Coastal Fleet
MC 485
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Main role
Premium vehicle
General information

With the Presidential Decree of 11 February 1952, several torpedo motorboats of the Elco and Vosper types were acquired, but one of them in particular was a German torpedo boat of the S-26 type, which survived the war and was captured by Great Britain in 1945. In 1948, it was sold to private individuals for commercial use under the name of Torus. It was acquired by the Italian Navy at the beginning of 1952 and sent to the La Spezia Military Arsenal to be refitted, reclassified as motor torpedo boat on 1 November 1952, taking the name MS 621 and NATO pennant number (P) 460. Construction work was completed in 1953. On 1 January 1954, she was given the new name MS 485 and the pennant number changed to (P) 485. On 10 September 1954, the boat was renamed MC 485 and classified as a motor cannon boat. In 1963, she was sent to the Taranto Arsenal for a cycle of extraordinary works, but as the hull had given way in several places, it was not considered advisable to proceed with her refit, and the unit was laid up on 1 July 1964 and then decommissioned on 1 March 1966.

Introduced in Update "La Royale" as a reward for Battle Pass: Season XII, "Armour Breaking Ambusher", MC 485 is a German Schnellboot class ship modified by the Italians with radar, two Italian 40 mm cannons, and the replacement of the German torpedoes with Italian ones. The ship has good manoeuvrability and firepower thanks to the two 40 mm Bofors cannons mounted at the rear that guarantee continuous damage and penetration of enemy boats, but as they are positioned behind the guns cannot aim frontally, which causes a major weakness to attacks from the front. The survivability of the Schnellboot is very low, but it is compensated for by the speed and manoeuvrability that helps you to aim and make surprise attacks on larger ships with torpedoes.


Hull 40 mm (wood)
Superstructure 4 mm (steel)
Number of sections 3
Displacement 120 t
Crew 26 persons
Max speed
Forward 726210174 km/h
Backward 24203324 km/h
Primary armament
2 × Turret — 40 mm Bofors L/60 Mark 3 gun
Ammunition 4,000 rounds
Belt capacity 4 rounds
Reload basic crew → aces
0.5 → 0.4 s
Fire rate 160 shots/min
Vertical guidance -10 / 85°
Turret Rotation Speed
Horizontal 3025.53025.5 °/s
Vertical 2420.42420.4 °/s

BeltBelt fillingArmor penetration (mm) at a distance:
10 m100 m500 m1000 m1500 m2000 m
Additional armament
Setup 1 2 × 533 mm steam turbined torpedo S.I. 270/533X6.84 Tipo L
Repair cost
AB 743 SL
RB 951 SL
Crew training 10,000 SL
Experts 115,000 SL
Aces 500 GE
Research Aces 640,000 RP
Reward multiplier AB / RB
2 x (85 / 145) % SL
2 x 142 % RP
Premium vehicle
All modifications are unlocked

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1 player
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